TANGERINES IN AN AQUARIUM – how Lettstudio came to life


LETTSTUDIO is us: Alice and Piotrek. Together we create a commercial photography studio, however before our business came to life we were both independent photographers.

Piotrek was passionate about commercial photography. He worked for one of the local companies as a commercial photographer.

I was mostly interested in taking portrait photos and commemorating sports events such as: speedway or tennis matches.


So what was it that made us decide to join forces and create something together? To be honest, it all started during our second date during which Piotrek asked me to help him create a commercial shot.

For me it was a completely new and interesting challenge. My job boiled down to throwing tangerines into a water-filled aquarium.

It was a lot of fun, especially since the room in which we were shooting was soon wet from the water spilling out of the tank.

During that time creating such a photo was simply a nice way of spending time together. Now such “dates” are enjoyed by us on a daily basis as we create photos as Lettstudio.